<aside> 📆 Release date: 08/07


<aside> 👾 Platform: iOS/Android



What’s new?

Earlier this year we rolled out resource styling on Grid Web, which allows Workspace Admins to differentiate assets on the map using iconography. A Workspace Admin can assign an icon —vehicle, vessel, or aircraft (rotary-wing or fixed-wing)— or select from the 25/25 symbols native to TAK. The iconography used on web are now reflected on mobile in order to maximize situational awareness for field operators.

<aside> 🚩 Resource styles can only be modified on Web, but the changes are reflected on mobile.


The benefits:

✅ Increases situational awareness while reducing cognitive load, allowing users to make informed decisions more quickly

How to use resource styling on Grid Web:

  1. Navigate to the map on the web app and select the asset head point you wish to edit

  2. Selecting an asset will expose the Asset Details Card

  3. From the Asset Details Card, select the pencil icon to edit the asset


  4. Selecting edit will expose the Edit Asset card


  5. Select between the Somewear icon library or TAK’s 25/25 symbol library


  6. Select an icon or symbol and select ‘Save Asset’ to apply the changes


    <aside> 🚩 If operators are in an area with unreliable cell coverage, the updated resource styling will be delivered over satellite to maintain situational awareness.
